Survey Systems


At Survey Systems (SSI) it is our belief that our people are our most important asset and that the preservation of employees’ safety and health must remain a constant consideration in every phase of our business. It is our intent to provide a work environment that is safe and as free of hazards as possible.

All employees are responsible for working safely and productively, always remaining aware of hazards in their jobs and following recognized safe work practices, including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
A safety and health program must have total employee involvement therefore; our safety program has management’s highest priority, support, and participation. At SSI, we believe that education of our employees, to empower them to identify and mitigate hazardous situations is first priority of our company. The safety of our employees comes first.


  • Survey Systems underground crews have been through the MSHA Underground, Surface, Metal and Non-Metal, New Miner Training and are kept current on an annual refresher schedule for access to underground MSHA sites.
Survey Systems

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